You have questions about the right personal training and nutrition routine for your lifestyle, and are looking for answers. Here Gavin provides answers, and to stay on top of new content, we invite you to follow JordanFit on Facebook or Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

Personal Training

When should I start working out?

Why haven’t you started already - stop talking about it and start doing it. 


How long will it take to get me in shape?

All depends on the “whether,” whether you do what you’re supposed to do or not.


How many times a week do I need to work out?

All depends on what your goal is. If you want to look to “average” - 3 times a week, if you want to look to “better than average” - 4 to 5 times a week, and if you want to look “fantastic” - 5 to 6 times a week.


How many times a week do I need to do cardio?

Minimum 3 hours a week at your target heart rate. 


Will working out with weights make me bulky?

Only if you consume more calories than you expend.


What do I need to eat?

A combination of protein, carbs and fat? How much do I need to eat of each - that’s why you’re hiring me.

How do I get a flat stomach?

Reduction in calorie intake and increase in calorie expenditure.


Should I Do Cardio First or Weight Training First?

Depends on your goal i.e. refer to your trainer.


Do I Need to Take Dietary Supplements?

Everyone’s dietary supplemental needs are different. For most people, I would exhaust all other options first: eat healthy, regular workouts and reducing calorie intake.